Saturday, April 17, 2010

Salinity and Temperature At Differing Tides: A study of Pedder Bay

After many exhilarating meetings, the group has decided to conduct a study of temperature and salinity at the differing tides. This includes the values for the mentioned physical variables at high tides and low tides. This study seems to be dominantly concentrated in the Marine Science discipline and we were provided with sufficient background information in relation to this by on e of the group members; Sune. This study seems to be quite fascinating in that we very rarely wonder about the correlation tides and how they affect said variables. We know that there are different zones within Pedder bay, that of the mouth of the bay; where the bay meets the Pacific Ocean, the mid-interval; where the Pearson Docks are situated and the mud flats closer towards land. This in turn would imply that there might be varying temperature and salt concentrations in the different zones mentioned. As such, this study proposes to investigate the salinity and temperature of the mid-interval zone and compare with values obtained near race rocks.

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